September 10, 2010

Interior Provincial Exhibition (IPE)-Armstrong

We took our motor home and dry camped across the street from the IPE. My daughter and granddaughter came and joined us for 2 days. We had a great time at the fair. Ches and I went to the rodeo every night and that was the highlight for us.

My friend had his Trinity Fjord horses in the competitions at the fair and he took Ches as a passenger on his carriage for one of the competitions.

We especially enjoyed the petting zoo

these chairs were very comfortable

my husband's favorite animals the pigs

Fjords in action

Pictures of the parade

O'Keefe Ranch

My husband, friend, granddaughter and I went to O'Keefe Ranch for fun day. We enjoyed going for a wagon ride around the ranch and got to go in behind the scenes in the model trains.

My granddaughter learned how to wash clothes the old fashioned way, she thought it was fun until I reminded her that she only did one article not lots of clothes.

Melissa changed to riding, a horse statue to a real horse