February 21, 2013


We left in the morning a it took 3 different trains and 3 hours to get to Bath. The day was sunny and enjoyed watching the scenery from the train. We took a taxi to Travelodge and got there at 1:30 pm and could not check in or leave our luggage until 3 pm so we took our luggage and walked to a restaurant and had a mediocre lunch.

I watched the choir in their beautiful costumes singing as they entered the Abbey.

Fashion Museum
After we got settled into the hotel we walked to what was the Costume Museum and was now a fashion museum. which was was not very interesting. There was an audio recorder included but I only listened to a little of it. The museum is in the building with the Assembly rooms where in the 18th century dances, concerts, teas and card games were held, but it was reserved for a wedding so I could only see from the door way. It is a beautiful room.

We had been to the Roman Baths last time we went to London so only looked at the outside of the building. It was Jane Austen week end and it was more interesting looking at people walking around in costumes relevant to Jane Austen. The hotel was noisy and hot. The window only opened a few inches and it was too noisy to keep open with people partying newby.

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