November 18, 2008

Corpus Christi-Texas State Aquarium

Nov 18 Corpus Christi
Dot and Floyd joined us and we went to the aquarium, had lunch and drove a circle drive around Corpus Christi Bay. I loved looking at the beautiful homes along the water, some are huge. We took a little ferry at one part which, is like the Albion ferry but smaller.
USS Lexington

Texas State Aquarium
This is a nice little aquarium and we were lucky that there were several bus loads of school kids when we got there and they were just leaving so we practically had the place to ourselves. They have lots of volunteers who told us about the different marine life as we walked around.

There was a dolphin show and they wanted a volunteer so Dot volunteered me. It was really quite neat to be so close to the dolphins and I gave them hand signals and the got to feed them fish.

me giving signals to dolphins

We were just in time to watch a diver feed the fish, stingrays, and turtle.

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