March 17, 2009

Museums, Palm Springs

(Our Europe trip is finished, if interested check 2007)
We visited the tourist area of downtown Palm Springs, which has a group of buildings made into museums, including Ruddy's General Store.

In one museum there are a lot of pictures of stars from the past and memoriabila. I took a picture of these 2 pictures before I was told that I was not allowed to

Shirley Temple

Lucille Ball and Ricky Ricardo, they spent a lot of time in Palm Springs and even had a hotel there at one time
In 1983 Jim Ruddy integrated his extensive 35 year collection of general store merchandise with a museum that he purchased in the Mid-West. Every detail is authentic, including original showcases, fixtures, signs and products-groceries, tobacco, hardware, clothing, medicines, beauty aids, soaps and notions. More than-95% filled with their original contents. It is interesting the products that have stood the test of time, some with no real changes in packaging