November 18, 2011

Fire at home part 1

While I was in Italy my husband had oil fire in the wok

He put the wok on the floor

burnt wok

The start of cleaning

Our stuff in boxes after it is cleaned

groceries to be thrown out

Clothes to be cleaned

It is Nov 18 and we are finally home but it is a bit of chaos with less cupboards to put the new supply of groceries, everything in boxes, trying to find dishes and cutlery etc. We had to sort and put some of the bags of linens away, it was nice to get the beds made.

1 comment:

Linda Viner McAllister said...

Sharon and Chester, I had no idea you had been thru this, incredible! I did the same thing with a wok many years ago, I got distracted while it was on the stove and poooff! Our newly renovated upstairs ( in Delta BC) was covered in thick black smoke. I was so ashamed of what I had done, that I ( foolishly) cleaned it all up myself! Never told the insurance company.. I'm so glad you have help with this, it is a massive cleanup!!!! Woks should come with a reminder that oil catches fire in an instant! Glad you are okay Chester!!
Linda McAllister