March 6, 2013


I mailed a letter to the airlines lost luggage lawyers with copies of receipts for the expenses to replace toiletries and clothes and phone bills for 117 pounds. (they actually sent me a cheque for the whole amount). Then we trundled our luggage across part of the city and up over a bridge and up hill to the train station.

We had reserved seats in the quiet car and there was a large group of teenage girls together and it was so noisy we could not stand it. The conductor asked them to quiet down but it did not do any good, so I went and found us seats in another car. We were sitting with a very nice Irish couple and enjoyed visiting with them. It was a 2-hour train ride to Edinburgh. The scenery changed a lot at first we passed by ocean then past farms. The farms are so nice they look like a patch work quilt with all the different fields surrounded by hedges.

A car Ches liked at train station

Pictures from the train
After we go settled into Kenvie Guest House we took our dirty laundry in a suitcase to the Laundromat. At first the women working there was not going to let us do our laundry because she said it was too late (according to our Rick Steeve’s book we were there just in time but I think she wanted to close early) she agreed we could wash the clothes and if there was not time to dry them we would have to leave. As it turns out we were finished before closing time.

our B & B on top floor of course

We had pizza at a Turkish place and it was delicious, the funny thing is they serve you fries like an appetizer. The pizza had so much topping and cheese we could not eat it all and took some back for later. When we got back to the B & B it was nice so I went for a walk around the neighbourhood and saw some beautiful homes and a church.

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