May 14, 2009

Citadel, Mosque, City of the Dead

Day 6
Citadel and Mosque
Bus with tour guide picked us up the next morning and went to a large citadel. Guide told me his story about how he had married an Australian girl 10 years before. It was very interesting as she had him sign a document that he couldn’t take another wife and he made her sign that the children would be Muslim. They had a wedding in Australia and again in Egypt, they had 2 kids and he said he loved her dearly but wouldn’t do it again as there are too many differences in their cultures. Next went to a Mosque and he told us about the Muslim religion which was very interesting. They can have 4 wives but have to treat them all well or the wives can leave and the men have to support them and their children. If he wants to divorce one of them he only has to say “I divorce you” three times but he has to look after her and her children. They believe there is one god, Allah and Jesus and Mohamed were prophets. They have to pray facing Mecca 5 times a day, but first have to wash their hands, feet and hair. If they are busy working they can make up their prayers later.

City of the Dead
On the way back we drove by the “city of the dead.” Centuries ago they buried their dead in small 2 room stone houses, one room for husband and one for women and children. There were miles and miles of them, they looked quite comfortable, poor people live in them now, and the guide said it is better then living in the street. There are no beggars in the street. They have free medical and schools and university is free if their grades are good enough.

Had dinner at a fun place and howled at the menu as they spell the words on the menu totally wrong. I had “good food pizza,” which turned out to be pita bread with stew on top. The rest all had crazy orders too. After went shopping with Shane and Donna. He had fun teasing the Arabs in the markets they always ask if we are his wives and he tells them we are 2 of them and he has 2 more at home and 27 children. They pat him on the back and say good man; he does all the haggling for me when we shop. These peddlers need someone like him, as they don’t understand women being by themselves. Peddlers have some of the funniest saying as you walk past their shops “buy it quickly before I change my mind” “last chance, closing out sale” “ buy it now as you are breaking my heart” or “come into my store as it is hassle free.” It was fun! I bought myself a lovely lace shawl for $4.00 and it turned out to be the most practical thing I owned. Put it off and on as the weather changed, use as a pillow or a blanket, plus the Arabs loved me wearing it and the women would show me how to put it on my head, but I never caught on to it.

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